Download Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools

Пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.
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Для удобства я разделил на две части. Вот вторая часть Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools:

NLMon: This command-line tool can be used to list and test many aspects of trust relationships.

NLTest: This command-line tool helps perform network administrative tasks.

Now: Echoes the current date and time plus any arguments passed to it.

NSS2DOC: This utility helps the Remote Storage product in Windows 2000 Server migrate documents stored in the native structured storage (NSS) format to tertiary storage (tape). (Installd.cmd) - Installs a debug version of Startup Hardware Detector used for troubleshooting hardware detection issues.

NTDSUTIL: Directory Services Management Tool - NtdsUtil performs database maintenance of the Active Directory store, management and control of the Floating Single Master Operations (FSMO), and cleaning up of metadata left behind by abandoned domain controllers, those which are removed from the network without being uninstalled.

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